The effects of fatal and serious injuries from crashes are far-reaching and include the loss of human life. Between 2017 and 2021 an average of 61 deaths and 266 serious injuries occurred annually on Vermont roadways. Check out some of the projects we’re working on to make and keep Vermont highways safe for everyone.
The VHSA hosts and participates in several projects and events to encourage safe driving behaviors.

Annual Educational Conference
The VHSA produces an annual educational conference at which local and national experts present the latest information and research on topics related to highway safety. Held in the spring, the focus changes year to year, as does the location. In May 2022 more than 200 professionals and stakeholders from education, engineering, enforcement, emergency services, and driver education met in Killington for the “Know Your Limit: Vermont Impaired Driving Summit”. Here’s the summit’s final agenda.
The date, location, and topic of 2023’s conference will be published in early 2023. Attendee registration, sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities will be announced at a later date.
Annual Video PSA Contest
#SafeDrives#SaveLives PSA Contest
Click here for a list of the 2024 contest winners. Below are the winning PSAs.
Vermont Highway Safety Alliance’s Annual PSA Video Contest is open to high-school students (and home-schoolers!) with the goal of encouraging you, your friends and classmates to avoid distracted driving. Test your video skills, win prizes, and help make Vermont roads safer.
Interested in submitting an entry for 2025? We anticipate availability for new submissions in the Spring of 2025. In the meantime, please review our contest rules and regs, submission checklist, and educational resources below.
Questions? Just send us an email and we’ll respond promptly.
Contest Rules & Regulations: Click here to view
Information Resources:
Want to learn more about distracted driving? Here are a few websites that can help with ideas, content, and statistics.

Employee Wellness
Many companies host wellness fairs where employees meet with and hear from benefits providers such as health and dental insurers, local gyms, financial managers, as well as other complementary organizations. Invite the VHSA to your wellness fair and we can provide activities such as:
Child safety seat fitting
Rollover demonstration vehicle for seatbelt safety
Transportation safety information for bicyclists, pedestrians, and older drivers
“Drunk goggles” that simulate increasing levels of impairment
Giveaways and coloring books for kids
If your company would like to include a highway safety component in its wellness fair:
Fleet Safety
Fleet vehicles and their drivers spend hours on the road—far more than the average Vermonter. The VHSA can work with your fleet or safety manager to offer a presentation on safe driving practices for employees and fleet drivers. The presentation, either in-person or on-line, is delivered by a Vermont State Police trooper or another law enforcement officer.
This presentation typically identifies the best practices for safe driving. Participants will be refreshed through vivid imagery how to prepare for—and avoid—dangerous highway encounters caused by speed, distraction, fatigue, and occupant protection. Participants will learn to re-conceptualize defensive driving in furtherance of safer vehicle operation. Other topics can be developed if you have something else in mind.
Here’s what rk MILES had to say about a recent presentation:
“I’ve already had a few drivers mention how much they enjoyed the presentation. [VSP Sgt. Jay] Riggen was a great presenter, and obviously passionate about the subject. All positive feedback. More than happy to get our drivers off the road for meetings like this.”
Throughout the summer and fall, the VHSA can be found at local fairs, community events, and car shows offering educational information and demonstrations on highway safety and injury prevention. Our rollover vehicle provides a very visual reminder on the importance of seatbelt safety. The VHSA distributes brochures and information on impaired driving, seatbelts, car seats, distracted driving, speeding, and aggressive driving. Often, we’ll have giveaways such as reflective slap bracelets and coloring books for children.
Check our calendar to see where we’ll be next.
Events, Fairs, Car Shows
High School Road User Safety Fairs
A driver safety fair can bring many of Vermont’s safety-minded organizations together at a Vermont high school to create an event that’s rich with information and experiences that help young drivers make better decisions behind the wheel. The VHSA and the Youth Safety Council of Vermont created a safety fair resource—a contact list of free presentations, workshops, displays, simulators, and experiential demonstrations by VHSA members—so Vermont’s high schools can independently build a campus safety event that fits their needs. To learn more, visit the project website.